THE SECRET HISTORY OF MAMMOGRAPHY by Devra Davis, PhD President and Founder, Environmental Health Trust, lecturer, San Francisco, London Huffpost Healthy Living, Posted: 11/24/09 10:30 AM ET Mammography is one of the most oversold and understudied...
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Wake Forest School of Medicine has received a $1 million Grant to study Brainwave Optimization – a powerful healing method now available at MindBody Medicine Center The Research Team at Wake Forest is a multi-disciplinary, academic research...
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MEDITATION: PRESCRIPTION FOR HEALTH AND WELL BEING “He who dies before he dies does not die when he dies.” ~ Jon Kabat-Zinn, Coming to Our Senses “Within you there is a stillness and a sanctuary to which...
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Once again low fat, low animal protein, high fiber (vegetables, whole grains and beans) diet helps to prevent cancer of colon and prostate. Add exercise and the results are even better. The China Study showed the correlation...
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By Lisa Collier Cool Dec 02, 2013 - Yahoo Health If a miracle ingredient found in many tasty, inexpensive foods helped you lose weight, live longer, and avoid dangerous diseases, wouldn’t you eat it every day? Actually,...
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CHEMICAL TOXINS AND HUMAN HEALTH written by Ronald Peters, MD, MPH We humans have been polluting the land, air and water of Mother Earth for a long time. There is no safe place from pollution. From mercury...
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THE GLOBAL BURDEN OF DISEASE PROJECT: THE EPIDEMIC OF CHRONIC DISEASE IN AMERICA IS GETTING WORSE Once again, Americans pay more and get less for healthcare The August 2013 issue of the Journal of the American Medical...
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THE GLOBAL BURDEN OF DISEASE PROJECT: THE EPIDEMIC OF CHRONIC DISEASE IN AMERICA IS GETTING WORSE Once again, Americans pay more and get less for healthcare The August 2013 issue of the Journal of the American Medical...
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by William Shaw, PhD It appears that the marked increase in the rate of autism, asthma, and attention deficit with hyperactivity throughout much of the world may be largely caused by the marked increase in the use...
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RAW FOOD AND MACROBIOTICS By John Kozinski John is one of the pioneers of natural health and macrobiotic education in the United States. For 37 years he has taught and counseled over 30,000 people in his private...
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