Learn How to Reverse Chronic Disease

The original and proven holistic online course for healing Lyme, co-infections, and other chronic diseases.​

Chronically ill patients need guidance and help designing the best treatments in the proper sequence. This course will empower you to take responsibility for your health and regain confidence in your body’s innate healing power. 

Note: enrollment for the course “Essential Elements of Healing” is currently closed. Sign up to receive updates on our next opening date. 

Watch Dr. Peters on "Essential Elements of Healing"
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Dr. Ronald Peters graduated from UCLA School of Medicine and later returned to the School of Public health, earning a Master’s degree in the epidemiology of chronic disease. He has studied and researched integrative, or functional medicine for the past 40 years.  He is the author of, Edgework, Exploring the Psychology of Disease, and the founder of MindBody Medicine Center which attracts patients from around the world.

If  you or a loved one has been suffering from Lyme or chronic disease share it with them. 


Is this Course Right for You?​

  • Have you visited doctor after doctor searching for answers with no results?
  • Have you tried various treatments but had little to no improvement at all?
  • Have you been paying for expensive lab work and medications that got you more confused than anything?
  • Do you feel that you are lacking the support and guidance you need to heal your body?
  • Do you feel that your life was put on hold by your chronic illness?
  • Are you still looking for someone who is both authoritative and experienced to point you in the right direction?
  • Do you feel that there is only a small amount of accurate and authoritative data in a sea of misleading information?

This course was designed to address these exact common pain points most Lyme disease and chronically ill patients experience.​

Essential Elements of Healing

Note: enrollment for the course "Essential Elements of Healing" is currently closed. Sign up to receive updates on our next opening date.

In this Course You Will Learn the Following:

1. Create Your Treatment Plan

Learn about self-assessment tools and proper lab testing to guide your healing path. Knowledge provides clarity to create an effective treatment plan.

2. Detoxification and Drainage

Learn to measure and reduce your toxin burden, which may include heavy metals, chemical toxins, mold toxins, EMF, all of which can suppress your immune system.

3. Microbial Overgrowth

Learn how to assess and treat the body burden of pathogens, including EBV (epstein barr), borrelia, bartonella, babesia, mycoplasma, chlamydia, brucella, and others.

4. Diet, Gut Health, and the Microbiome

Strong immunity depends on a healthy gut. Eliminate food sensitivities, leaky gut, IBS, SIBO, balance the intestinal flora and restore the microbiome with healthy foods and other therapies.

5. Controlling Inflammation

Learn how to reduce inflammation throughout your body including your brain by stabilizing mast cells, reducing inflammatory cytokines, and modulating the immune system.

6. Fatigue: Thyroid and Adrenal Support

Optimize thyroid and adrenal function as well as mitochondrial energetics to improve energy and stamina in mind and body.

7. Sleep Regulation

Sleep is essential and you can improve your sleep, which will activate your parasympathetic nervous system and improve immune response and detoxification.

8. Chronic Pain Management

Learn how to ease the pain and improve the quality of your life. Learn how to leverage natural remedies as well as prescription medication to reduce and manage pain.

9. Limbic System Lock

The biggest toxin of all is chronic stress with excess “fight or flight” sympathetic nervous system activation. Learn to measure stress and optimize stress hormones.

10. Physics of Consciousness

Learn how the natural intelligence of your body is governed by consciousness. Find the meaning in disease and mobilize the healing process.

11. Your External Environment

Learn how to protect yourself and your family from EMF (electromagnetic) and microwave (wi-fi) radiation, as well as eliminating mold and mycotoxins.

12. Regeneration and Restoration

Learn how to restore your body's natural innate ability to heal and regenerate.

PLEASE NOTE: Your diagnostic and treatment plan will be unique, as the complexity of chronic disease is different for everyone, and it may change as you progress in this course. Success depends on your commitment to yourself and this challenging, yet powerfully rewarding process.

Note: enrollment for the course “Essential Elements of Healing” is currently closed. Sign up to receive updates on our next opening date. 

If  you or a loved one has been suffering from Lyme or chronic disease share it with them. 


To Become Healthy and Whole Again You Need to Evaluate and
Restore the Natural Wisdom of Your Body

More than 70 trillion cells working in harmony so you can live your life. Doctors are baffled by the complexity of this life-giving wisdom. But in spite of the wisdom of the body built into each one of us, America, considered one of the wealthiest societies on earth, has a severe chronic disease epidemic.

Between 50% and 60% of all adults in the USA have one or more chronic diseases, such as Heart disease, Cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, Diabetes, and high blood pressure. They arise from the modern lifestyle and mindstyle and are called “diseases of civilization.”

Also, there is a rising tide of “complex, chronic diseases” each of which is also unique to the past experiences, lifestyle, and mindstyle of the individual.  These include:

      • Chronic Lyme’s disease
      • Chronic fatigue syndrome
      • Fibromyalgia
      • Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome
      • Irritable bowel syndrome
      • Anxiety and depression
      • Mold related illness
      • Multiple chemical sensitivity, and others

Essential Elements of Healing

Note: enrollment for the course "Essential Elements of Healing" is currently closed. Sign up to receive updates on our next opening date.

Patients share their experience

Dr. Peters is the most educated and through Naturopathic Doctors I have found. He spends the proper time time to listen to me and accurately access and treat my issues. I would...
Greg W.
Dr. Peters not only understands my very complicated illnesses (Lyme, mercury, mold, etc.), he is the first doctor (and I've probably seen close to 100 over 20 yrs) to actually help me to feel better...
Health Grades​
Extraordinary doctor on every level. He is the standard to which medical doctors should aspire. My husband and I have health that would not have been possible without his help. Amazing doctor...
Deb Murray​
Dr. Peters is brilliant and always spends a good amount of time with me trying to get to the bottom of my complicated health situation. He’s also the first doctor ever who has given me treatments that...
Sophie Grant​
Dr Peters is the best doctor I have ever had, and I had seen a LOT when I was in the process of being diagnosed with Chron's. Susan the receptionist (and hypnotherapist) is always...
James Stinger
I'm probably his biggest fan. You won't find a more caring medical doctor.
If you truly want to get well and be well, Dr. Peters is where you need to seek advice...
Cathy V.


The Natural Solution for Chronic Disease

Sign up for course enrollment updates.

Perhaps, the most important lessons I have learned have come from the thousands of patients I have treated, each of which represents a unique collection of lifestyle and mind style experiences woven into a complex and often chronic disease. The treatment of chronic conditions requires a different medical approach than the one commonly used in modern medicine practice.

IMPORTANT! All information contained within this course/program or website is intended for educational purposes only. Physicians and patients are encouraged to consult other sources and confirm the information contained within this site. Consumers should never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something they may have read on this course/program or website.

Essential Elements of Healing at Mindbody Medicine Center | 13951 N. Scottsdale Road Suite 100, Scottsdale, AZ 85254 | (480) 607-7999 | info@healmindbody.com


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