By Ronald Peters, MD, MPH, 8-1-21
Every adult and most children have toxins in their bodies, or, are affected by them, so the following questions arise:
How much do I carry?
- Can my body detoxify adequately?
- What are the effects on body and mind?
- How can I reduce, or, prevent exposure?
- How can I detoxify my body?
The following “dangerous” activities can increase your body burden of toxins.
- Drink out of a plastic water bottle.
- Walk on a new carpet.
- Drive your car on the freeway.
- Sprinkle powdered parmesan cheese on your pizza.
- Cook with aluminum cookware.
- Use your cellphone.
- Use your computer.
- Drive your new car.
- Live in a house or work in a building with an unrecognized water leak.
- Listen to the news on TV.
- Worry about anything.
The various toxins contribute to a variety of common physical and psychological symptoms, such as fatigue, moodiness, anxious or depressed feelings, muscle and/or joint discomfort, runny and congested nose, poor concentration, recurrent flu or colds, and a lot more. And, based on the patients I see in my clinic day after day, the effects of these common toxins can contribute to a host of diseases, including chronic fatigue syndrome, tension and migraine headaches, anxiety, depression, cognitive impairment, heartburn, high blood pressure, constipation, arthritis, heart disease, cancer and more.
Most of these symptoms and diseases are treated by conventionally trained physicians with their vast array of pharmaceuticals, most of which only reduce symptoms and do not treat the cause of the disease. And the toxic load continues to grow.
Each of us is equipped with powerful and complex detoxification pathways, which include the liver, kidneys, digestive tract, lymphatic system, respiratory system, and skin. Therefore, toxins are removed efficiently, unless the toxin input is overwhelming, and the systems are overloaded. Many people are deficient in key antioxidants such as vitamin C. Cysteine is required to make glutathione, a key molecule in liver detoxification. Also, glutathione levels decline with age.
Therefore, the balance between toxin intake and toxin elimination is key to good health and dependent on clinical information that is not commonly available from most doctors.
We live in a complex world run by corporations that want profit and politicians paid by lobbyists, who may not always have your best interests in mind. So, you need to educate yourself on this important new concept so you can take care of yourself and your family.
We humans have been polluting the land, air, and water of this beautiful planet we live on with increasing intensity since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in the late 19th Century. And now the magnitude of industrial pollution is threatening life on earth, creating loss of insect and animal species, global warning, climate change as well as contributing to the epidemic of chronic disease in humans.
The following data is staggering, so hold onto your seat:
According to the reference website WorldOMeter, which relies heavily on data provided by the United Nations Environment Program and the American Environmental Protection Agency
- 682 lbs. of toxic chemicals are released every second into our air, land, and water by industrial facilities around the world.
- This amounts to approximately 10 million tons (over 21 billion pounds) of toxic chemicals released into our environment by industries each year.
- Of these, over 2 million tons (over 4.5 billion pounds) per year are recognized carcinogens. This amounts to about 65 Kg, or 143 lbs., each second.
According to Global Healing Center, we can be exposed to 2,100,000 toxins each day and there is no safe place to hide. From mercury in baby seals born in the Arctic sea to “healthy” American born human infants with 187 carcinogens in their cord blood, chemical pollution has become a global problem that threatens health and life everywhere.
EPA research has also shown that the following chemicals are “ubiquitous” in the air that we breathe: p-xylene, tetrachloroethylene, ethylbenzene, benzene, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, and o-xylene.
Common inhaled toxins include:
carbon monoxide from smoke or engine exhaust,
- natural gas,
- solvent fumes, and
- chemical vapors
Medical research has shown that you breath in a chemical about 10% goes to your bones, 15% goes to the liver and 20% goes to your brain.
Also, studies have shown that some city water supplies contain as many as 500 chemicals. Also, every time you participate in “risky” behavior, such as driving your car to a gas station for a fill up and then stopping to pick up your dry cleaning on the way home, you are adding solvents to your body burden of chemical toxins. And the “common carpet” at home, work, or at the bank, emits over 200 volatile organic chemicals, including benzene, toluene, chloroform, xylene, styrene, to mention a few.
Scientists at the Center for Disease Control measure pesticides and other chemicals in the bodies of Americans every few years. In the most recent study, CDC tested for 212 chemicals, including 44 pesticides and found 85 percent of Americans tested positive.
Research has shown the following effects of chemicals in our bodies:
- lower our metabolism,
- raise our cholesterol,
- contribute to fatigue and weight gain.
- create chronic inflammation,
- mutate our DNA
- set the stage for heart disease and cancer.
- weaken our immune systems
Toxic chemicals contribute to a host of bothersome daily complaints, including
- poor concentration,
- headaches,
- depression,
- irritability,
- dizziness,
- anxiety,
- tremors,
- rapid heart rate,
- skin and eye irritation,
- poor memory, to mention a few.
Medical research has shown that the following diseases are related to an increased body burden of chemical toxins.
- Alzheimer’s Disease
- Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
- Anorexia Nervosa
- Anxiety Disorder
- Apraxia
- Arthritis
- Asthma
- Attention deficit (ADD)
- Attention deficit with hyperactivity (ADHD)
- Autism
- Autoimmune disorders
- Bipolar disorder
- Cancer
- Cerebral palsy
- Chronic fatigue syndrome
- Crohn’s disease
- Depression
- Developmental disorder
- Down Syndrome
- Epilepsy
- Failure to thrive
- Fibromyalgia
- Genetic diseases
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Learning disability
- Mitochondria disorders
- Multiple sclerosis
- Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
- Occupational exposures
- Parkinson’s disease
- Peripheral neuropathy
- Schizophrenia
- Seizure disorders
- Systemic lupus erythematosus
- Tic disorders
- Tourette syndrome
- Ulcerative colitis
The second group of common toxins are heavy metals, which include mercury, lead, cadmium, and aluminum. Unlike common toxic chemicals, such as phthalates and pesticides, heavy metals are naturally occurring elements that exist mostly in the outer crust of the earth.
Heavy metals are widely used in many industries, agriculture, medicine, the home, and other technologies and therefore they have polluted the land, air and water of earth, and mankind as well.
People living in Western industrial countries today are at least a thousand times more polluted with toxic metals than anyone who lived when Christ walked the earth 2000 years ago.
EPA officials estimated that about 50 tons of elemental mercury are emitted each year from U.S. coal-burning powerplants, with lesser amounts coming from oil- and gas-burning units.
In China the problem is worse with estimates suggesting that as much as 302.87 tons of mercury were released into atmosphere in 1995.
Mercury vapor is odorless and once released into the atmosphere can travel thousands of miles and becomes part of a global pool of atmospheric mercury, eventually falling into the water and land and is carried to the ocean where it gets into fish, which we eat.
According to a World Health Organization report 2.3 micrograms could be taken in by eating seafood. Large fish like shark, swordfish and tuna contain the highest levels.
The Toxicity Center at the University of Tennessee rates poisons based on their lethal toxicity to humans. According to their research, mercury rates second only to plutonium.
If one half gram of mercury were put in a 10-acre lake, 70 feet deep, the lake would be closed to swimming, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. Yet a dentist who is using the standard silver amalgam to fill a cavity in a tooth can place that same amount in your mouth. Silver amalgam dental fillings contain 48-55% mercury, 33-35% silver and various amounts of copper, tin, zinc and other metals. They are only called silver because of their color.
The American Dental Association has adamantly claimed for a long time that the mercury stays in the filling and is not released into the body. Chemists and toxicologists, on the other hand, point out that not only does mercury escape the filling, but chewing enhances its release.
Research done at the University of Calgary showed that chewing increased the mercury content in the mouth six-fold. Also, the World Health Organization has published research which shows that between 3-17 micrograms of mercury is released into the body every day by simply chewing on amalgam fillings.
Of this amount 90% is absorbed into the body, 74% of which is retained by the lungs.
In ten minutes, 30% of the mercury absorbed in the lungs is transferred to the blood where it can circulate to other organs in the body.
The mercury accumulates in many body organs, including the brain. The body has no mechanism for eliminating the mercury, so tissue levels rise year after year.
Human autopsy studies have shown that there is a direct correlation between the amount of mercury found in the brain and the number of amalgam fillings in the teeth.
- Silver amalgam dental fillings,
- thermometers,
- batteries,
- skin-tightening creams,
- some antiseptic ointments and creams.
- fish,
- vapors from spills and incinerators and
- burning of mercury containing fuels.
When mercury gets into the body, it tends to accumulate in the brain and nervous system, kidneys, lungs and skin. It can also accumulate in the unborn child of a pregnant woman.
Usually, mercury accumulates in the body gradually over years and even decades.
- emotional irritability,
- tremors,
- memory disturbances,
- changes is vision or hearing,
- skin rashes,
- increased blood pressure, and
- a host of neurobehavioral changes such as anxiety and depression
Since mercury can cross the placenta, it can affect the fetus of a pregnant woman. Fetal mercury accumulation can produce brain damage, mental retardation, blindness, lack of coordination, seizures and impaired speaking. Children poisoned by mercury may develop neurological and behavioral problems, as well as kidney damage and digestive disturbances.
Chronic mercury toxicity has been implicated in
- chronic fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome,
- multiple sclerosis (one study showed MS patients had 7 times more mercury in cerebrospinal fluid than controls
- leukemia,
- kidney dysfunction,
- Alzheimer’s disease,
- allergies
- intestinal overgrowth of Candida albicans.
According to the National Academy of Sciences, approximately 600,000 tons of lead are added to the atmosphere each year.
The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey estimates that 1.9% of the United States population has blood levels that exceed acceptable limits. In addition, four percent of children ranging in ages from six months to five years, or over three-quarters of a million children exceed safe blood lead levels.
Blood lead levels are misleading because blood is a transport system which carries oxygen to all the tissues. Once in the body, lead travels in the blood to soft tissues such as the liver, kidneys, lungs, brain, spleen, muscles, and heart where it can stay indefinitely depending on the body detoxification pathways and the availability of glutathione.
- stays in the blood for one to two months, (unless there is constant intake)
- soft tissues and organs 2 to 3 months
- bone – 25-30 years in bone (ATSDR 2007).
Environmental sources of lead include
- air pollution,
- soil,
- lakes,
- rivers,
- ground water and
- drinking water.
- municipal waste incinerators and landfills.
Lead attaches to dust and is in the air we breathe. Lead-containing dust is removed from the air by rain.
Lead also comes from
- burning fossil fuels
- certain mining and manufacturing processes.
- ammunitions,
- batteries,
- metal products like solder and pipes,
- roofing materials,
- old paint,
- ceramics
- Cigarette smoke, either from smoking are secondhand smoke
- cosmetics,
- pesticides and
- other industrial sources.
- 61 percent of lipsticks contained lead, with levels ranging up to 0.65 parts per million.
- Lead-contaminated brands included L’Oreal, Cover Girl and even a $24 tube of Dior
These LIPSTICKS are made from healthy ingredients and aren’t contaminated with heavy metals like lead.
- Living Nature Organic
- Logona
- Hurraw Tinted Lip Balm
- Soultree Organic.
- Ecco-Bella
- 100% Pure
- Benecos .
- Lavera
- Alima Pure
It is estimated that the daily amount of lead received from food and air sources can total 50 to 900 micrograms daily. This is almost 1 milligram for individuals living in areas with high lead concentrations, such as big cities.
The effects of lead on children, even with low levels:
- Behavior and learning problems
- ADHD and hyperactivity
- Lower IQ
- Stunted growth
- Anemia
Pregnant Women
Lead is commonly stored in bones. During pregnancy, lead is released from the mother’s bones and can pass through the placenta into the fetus. It can also be found in breastmilk. This can result in serious effects to the developing fetus and infant, including:
- Cause premature birth and low birthweight,
- Impair infant brain, kidneys, and central nervous system
- Increase the likelihood of learning or behavioral problems,
- Increase the risk of miscarriage.
- Cardiovascular effects,
- High blood pressure
- Decreased kidney function; and
- Reproductive problems (in both men and women).
- Chronic fatigue
The central nervous system is most vulnerable to lead toxicity, especially in growing children. It has been associated with cancer of the brain and kidneys. Lead also interferes with enzymes necessary to produce energy in every cell of the body.
Cadmium is a toxic heavy metal that is beginning to rival lead as a health threat to millions of people. Cadmium, like mercury, is toxic to every organ in the body of adults and children whether ingested or inhaled. It tends to accumulate in the kidney, liver, and bones.
Cadmium is found in the air as an industrial contaminant. It is also found in water, especially soft water that leaches cadmium from metal water pipes.
Probably the biggest source of cadmium is cigarette smoking.
- It is sprayed on tobacco plants as a fungicide.
- One cigarette contains on the average 1.4 micrograms of cadmium, which is absorbed by the lungs.
- Passive cigarette smoke also delivers cadmium to those in the immediate environment.
Other sources of cadmium include
- air pollution from the burning of fossil fuels
- and the incineration of municipal waste.
- art supplies,
- bone meal,
- fungicides,
- highway dust,
- mining operations,
- nickel-cadmium batteries,
- oxide dusts,
- paints,
- phosphate fertilizers,
- power plants,
- sewage sludge,
- “softened” water,
- smelting plants, and
- welding fumes.
Cadmium can also accumulate in foods,
- coffee,
- fruits,
- grains
- vegetables that are grown in cadmium-laden soil.
- It has been found in meats,
- refined foods, and
Cadmium in the body is associated with:
- anemia,
- osteomalacia (softening of the bones),
- high blood pressure, and
- many other metabolic disturbances.
Cadmium, like all the heavy metals, is an immune suppressant. It has been shown to impair antibody production, reduce T-cell and B-cell activity, weaken phagocyte function, and increase susceptibility to infections.
Aluminum is one of the most abundant metals in the earth, comprising between 8.4 to 14 percent of the earth’s crust.
Unfortunately, it is also abundantly found in the diet of many people. The average person will ingest 30 to 50 milligrams (milligrams, not micrograms) daily.
Aluminum is found in the
- air as aluminum dust in some industrial workplaces,
- acid rain,
- plants grown in aluminum rich soil,
- aluminum foil,
- aluminum cookware
- appliances, and
- some building material.
Aluminum additives are found in
- cheese products,
- baking powder,
- pizza,
- hair sprays,
- antiperspirants, and
- cosmetics including lipstick,
- toothpaste and a host of over-the-counter medications.
One dose of Gelusil or Mylanta antacids contains 200 milligrams.
It also can be ingested from aluminum cookware and soda cans.
Most of the research on the deleterious effects of aluminum has focused on the brain.
It crosses the blood/brain barrier and tends to accumulate in the brain.
Dr. McLaughlin, a professor of physiology and medicine at the Centre for Research in Neurodegenerative Diseases at the University of Toronto, states, “Concentrations of aluminum that are toxic to many biochemical processes are found in at least ten human neurological conditions.”
Medical studies suggest that aluminum may be involved in:
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Parkinson’s disease
- amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
- senile dementia
- staggering gait
- inability to pronounce words properly.
Other studies have shown that aluminum may produce behavioral problems in school children.
Aluminum can impair energy producing enzymes in every cell of the body and have an indirect effect of the immune system.
According to the book, Life on Man, written by Theodor Rosebury, there are more microbes (bacteria, viruses, parasites, etc.) in and on the human body that cells in the human body.
We live in a jungle of microbes on our skin, nose and sinuses, mouth and mostly in the digestive tract, in the microbiome, which contains about 1,200 different species.
This internal ecology is essential for our mental and physical health. And our powerful internal army of specialized immune cells maintains order in this complex ecology as well as protecting us from invasion.
Epstein-barr virus, or EBV, is a common virus found in more than 90% of people worldwide. There are about 200 types of Mycoplasma bacteria, most of which are harmless, but occasionally infections occur from Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Mycoplasma genitalium. Chlamydia is another common microbe worldwide, as well as brucella, borrelia, bartonella, babesia found Lyme’s disease.
Maintaining a strong immune system is essential, especially in the toxic modern world. All of the toxic burdens, especially chronic stress suppress the immune system, making us vulnerable to infection. We are taught by the medical world to rely on anti-microbial medications, but strong immunity is essential to preventing infection in the first place. From the plague of the middle ages to modern malaria, HIV and more, there are always exposed people who do not get infected based on the protective power of the immune system, which, by the way, is strongly influenced by the mind.
It is estimated that 50% of the American population has been exposed at some time in their life to a water damaged home of work environment and a significant percentage do not recall seeing the water damage.
Most common are reports of exposure involve water-damaged homes, schools, office buildings, court houses, hospitals, and hotels. It’s estimated that as many as 25% of buildings in the US have had some sort of water damage. Mold is also found on foods, especially fruits, vegetables, bread and cheese. Most often food molds do not cause disease, but in vulnerable people with intestinal yeast overgrowth and weak immunity, mold from foods can contribute to the toxic burden of mold and mycotoxins.
Mycotoxins are a secondary metabolite of mold spores; in other words, they are what mold spores produce to weaken and destroy your health. Mycotoxins are very strong and powerful and destructive to our organs and systems.
Mycotoxins can cause diverse and powerful toxic effects. They are:
- Carcinogenic cause cancer
- Hepatoxic toxic to the liver
- Immunotoxic toxic to the immune system
- Dermatoxic toxic to skin
- Teratogenic cause fetal abnormalities
- Neurotoxic toxic to the brain and nervous system
- Estrogenic cause elevated levels of estrogen
- Hemorrhagic cause internal bleeding and bruising
- Nephrotoxic toxic to kidneys
- Mutagenic cause genetic abnormalities
Consider the following information on mycotoxins in the body:
- Can affect any organ in the body thus producing a wide variety of symptoms.
- More than 50% of symptoms are neurological, cognitive, or psychiatric, including anxiety, panic attack, insomnia, “brain fog”, lack of motivation, memory loss and poor decision making.
- Produces neuroinflammation which can progress to neurodegeneration (e.g., Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, ALS)
- Major cause of mast cell activation with elevated whole blood histamine.
The most common molds found indoors include Aspergillus, Penicillium, Cladosporium, and Alternaria. Stachybotrys chartarum, or, “black mold” is a greenish-black mold, which grows on household surfaces that have high cellulose content, such as wood, fiberboard, gypsum board, paper, dust, and lint and is usually an indicator that there has been elevated moisture present or previous water damage.
Many patients suffering from chronic Lyme disease may have mycotoxicosis. The symptoms are very alike, and when the antibacterial treatment for Lyme fails to help a person, the reason may be that mycotoxins are part of the toxic load.
Children with autism frequently have elevated mycotoxin antibody levels as reported in a recent study of 172 autistic children. These antibody levels are included in the mycotoxin serum blood test panel.
- Alzheimer’s disease:
- Asthma:frequently asthma is a result of exposure to molds and mycotoxins, especially in children but also in adults.
- Fungal sinusitis: it has been demonstrated in studies that molds cause sinusitis and are much more common than was believed.
- Multiple Sclerosis (MS): studies have shown that exposure to molds and mycotoxins is a risk factor in MS.
- Obesity: the effects of mycotoxins on the gut bacteria (gut microbiome) can and frequently results in obesity.
Mycotoxins can affect any system in the body, such as:
- Digestive system – diarrhea, vomiting, intestinal hemorrhage, liver effects, caustic effects on mucous membranes
- Respiratory system – respiratory distress, bleeding from lungs
- Nervous system – tremors, incoordination, depression, headache, tremors, and seizures
- Reproductive system – infertility and changes in reproductive cycles
- Immune system – immune suppression and increased infections
Exposure to mold and mold components is known to trigger:
- inflammation
- allergies
- asthma
- oxidative stress
- immune dysfunction in both human and animal studies.
The most common symptoms associated with mold exposure are
- allergic rhinitis and
- new onset asthma.
Top Symptoms Associated with Mold-Associated Illness:
- Fatigue and weakness
- Headache, light sensitivity
- Poor memory, difficult word finding
- Difficulty concentration
- Morning stiffness, joint pain
- Unusual skin sensations, tingling and numbness
- Shortness of breath, sinus congestion or chronic cough
- Appetite swings, body temperature regulation,
- Increased urinary frequency or increased thirst
- Red eyes, blurred vision, sweats, mood swings, sharp pains
- Abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloating
- Tearing, disorientation, metallic taste in mouth
- Static shocks
- Vertigo, feeling lightheaded
Magnetic fields are created when electric current flows: the greater the current, the stronger the magnetic field. Electricity is a flow of electrons in a wire and as the electricity flows down the wire a magnetic field is produced around the wire, which is called an electromagnetic field or EMF
Electromagnetic fields are present everywhere in our environment.
- electric charges in the atmosphere associated with thunderstorms.
- The earth’s magnetic field causes a compass needle to point North-South and this natural EMF is used by birds in their migratory flights.
Besides natural sources the electromagnetic spectrum also includes fields generated by human-made sources:
- Medical X-rays
- electricity coming from the electrical wiring in your home or office has associated low frequency electromagnetic fields.
- higher frequency radio waves are used to transmit information – whether via TV antennas, radio stations or mobile phone base stations.
The disruption of the electrical systems within the human body have been chronicled by Arthur Firstenberg, in his book, The Invisible Rainbow, A History of Electricity and Life. He documented a new disease called neurasthenia which developed after the installation of telegraph lines around the world in 1875. “In 1889, we mark the beginning of the modern electrical era and also of a deadly flu pandemic, which followed the advent of electricity throughout the globe.”
Physicians looked to explain the broad spread of influenza around the world, and even documented an English warship Arachne cruising off the coast of Cuba without any contact with land in which 149 crew members fell sick with influenza. Firstenberg wrote, “Influenza struck explosively and unpredictably, over and over in waves, until early 1894. It was as if something fundamental had changed in the atmosphere”.
Another one of many correlations of infectious plagues related to advent of electrification was the installation of radar worldwide, and the global spread of the “Asian” influenza pandemic in 1957. “Fast-forward to the Internet and cell phone era. According to Firstenberg, the onset of cell phone service in 1996 resulted in greater levels of mortality in major cities like Los Angeles, New York, San Diego and Boston. The filling of the skies with wireless signals at multiple frequencies grew and grew, along with mysterious outbreaks of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), as well as and Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome (MERS), both likely due to a corona virus;
And now and new and powerful punch to the electrical functioning within the human body – the wide range of microwave frequencies – WiFi and 5G. You guessed it, 5G and electromagnetic frequency radiation are making us sick.
We all love our cellphones and computers, but they can produce irreversible damage to your health and the health of your family and friends.
Professor Martin Pall, Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences at Washington State University, a leading researcher in the health effects of EMF and wi-fi microwave radiation states the issue quite simply,
“The 5G Rollout Is Completely Insane.”
Wuhan, China, was the first city in world to roll out a 5G tower and antenna network.
Research suggests that 5G weakens the immune system and is creating a new disease, called Microwave Sickness, which is characterized by
- headaches,
- anxiety,
- sleep disturbances,
- fatigue, and
- difficulty in concentrating and
- changes in the cardiovascular and central nervous
Dr. Martin Pall wrote the following summary of biological effects of microwave frequency EMF:
“We know that there is a massive literature, providing a high level of scientific certainty, for each of eight pathophysiological effects caused by non-thermal microwave frequency (cell phones and computers) EMF exposures. This is shown in from 12 to 35 reviews on each specific effect, providing a substantial body of evidence on the existence of each effect.”
- Attack our nervous systems including our brains leading to widespread neurological/neuropsychiatric effects and possibly many other effects. This nervous system attack is of great concern.
- Attack our endocrine (that is hormonal) systems. In this context, the main things that make us functionally different from single celled creatures are our nervous system and our endocrine systems – even a simple planaria worm needs both of these. Thus, the consequences of the disruption of these two regulatory systems is immense, such that it is a travesty to ignore these findings.
- Produce oxidative stress and free radical damage, which have central roles in essentially all chronic diseases.
- Attack the DNA of our cells, producing single strand and double strand breaks in cellular DNA and oxidized bases in our cellular DNA. These in turn produce cancer and also mutations in germ line cells which produce mutations in future generations.
- Produce elevated levels of apoptosis (programmed cell death), events especially important in causing both neurodegenerative diseases and infertility.
- Lower male and female fertility, lower sex hormones, lower libido and increased levels of spontaneous abortion and, as already stated, attack the DNA in sperm cells.
- Produce excessive intracellular calcium [Ca2+] and excessive calcium signaling.
- Attack the cells of our bodies to cause cancer. Such attacks are thought to act via 15 different mechanisms during cancer causation.
There is also a substantial literature showing that EMFs are associated with other effects including
- life threatening cardiac effects.
- very early onset dementias, including Alzheimer’s, digital and other types of dementias
- EMF exposures in utero and shortly after birth may cause ADHD and autism
Scientists have discovered that EMFs from cell phones, Wi-Fi routers, and cell towers activate countless microscopic sensors that are found on the surface of every one of your 70 trillion cells.
When these “voltage sensors” are exposed to foreign EMF signals, your cells get tricked into allowing large amounts of calcium to flow inside…
Normally, calcium is a healthy mineral — but too much calcium inside the cell is the equivalent of pouring gas on a fire and triggers a range of negative health effects.
Put simply, EMFs are an added stress to every single cell in your body — whether you personally feel EMF-related symptoms or not.
In his 2013 groundbreaking paper, Dr. Martin Pall has shown that
extremely low levels of EMFs can activate the cells’ voltage gated calcium channels,
leading to 14 distinct downstream biological effects such as
- oxidative stress,
- DNA breaks,
- melatonin depletion,
- infertility and
Cancer and unusual growths may be one symptom of very high EMF exposure.
Other symptoms may include:
- sleep disturbances, including insomnia
- headache
- depression and depressive symptoms
- tiredness and fatigue
- dysesthesia (a painful, often itchy sensation)
- lack of concentration
- changes in memory
- dizziness
- behavior change
- irritability
- loss of appetite and weight loss
- restlessness and anxiety
- nausea
- skin burning and tingling
- changes in an electroencephalogram (which measures electrical activity in the brain)
- Pressure sense head/ears*
- Sharp pains head/ears*
- Sensations of electric shock*
- Tinnitus
- Visual / hearing disturbance
- Anomia / thought block
- Tremor / vibration* / seizure
- Synesthesia*
- Cardiac dysrhythmia / palpitations
- BP anomaly / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome
- Musculoskeletal pains
- Joint dysfunction
- Thirst / dehydration
- Urinary / bowel urgency
- Increased chemical sensitivity*
- Increased food sensitivity
- General sensory up-regulation*
- Circadian rhythm reversal*
In April 2019 BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD published THE HEALTH OF AMERICA REPORT which contained a section on The Health of Millennials. Nearly 73 million people in the U.S. are millennials – people born between 1981 and 1996 and who were 21 to 36 years old in 2017.
According to the report older millennials (age 34-36) have higher prevalence rates for nearly all of the top 10 conditions than did Generation X members (born 1965 – 1980) when they were in the same age range (age 34-36).
Major depression 18% (proportion of people with the disease)
Substance abuse 12%
High blood pressure 10%
Crohn’s disease & ulcerativ3 colitis 15%
Diabetes type 2 19%
Exhibit 3: Prevalence Rate Comparison for Top 10 Conditions between Millennials (Age 34-36) and Gen Xers at the Same Age (Age 34-36 in 2014)
Since the late 2000s, the mental health of teens and young adults in the U.S. has declined dramatically.
In 2019 a study as published in the Journal of Abnormal Psychology, which showed the following:
Between 2009 and 2017, rates of depression among kids
- ages 14 to 17 increased by more than 60%,
- ages 12 to 13 (47%)
- ages 18 to 21 (46%), and
- rates roughly doubled among those ages 20 to 21.
The same trends held when the researchers analyzed the data on suicides, attempted suicides and “serious psychological distress”— a term applied to people who score high on a test that measures feelings of sadness, nervousness and hopelessness.
Among young people, rates of suicidal thoughts, plans and attempts all increased significantly, and in some cases more than doubled, between 2008 and 2017, the study found.
“There is an overwhelming amount of data from many different sources, and it all points in the same direction:
MORE MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES AMONG AMERICAN YOUNG PEOPLE,” says Jean Twenge, a professor of psychology at San Diego State University and
author of iGen, a book about how technology affects the lives of young people.
“The growth of smartphones and digital media like social media, texting and gaming.”
While older adults also use these technologies,
“their adoption among younger people was faster and more complete, and the impact on their social lives much larger,” Twenge says.
Researchers at the University of Toronto in 2017 reported in Science Daily journal that smartphone or tablet use before the age of 2 caused a delay in speech development.
The 4-year study showed that for each 30-minute increase in handheld screen time, researchers found a 49 percent increased risk of expressive speech delay.
a child’s head’s absorption can be over two times greater, and
absorption of the skull’s bone marrow can be ten times greater than adults.
Therefore, a new certification process is needed that incorporates different modes of use, head sizes, and tissue properties.
Anatomically based models should be employed in revising safety standards for these ubiquitous modern devices and standards should be set by accountable, independent groups.
Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute found decreased memory performance in adolescents from cumulative exposure to cell phone radiation in a 2018 study which replicated a 2015 study (Foerster 2018).
A Yale Medicine study found prenatally exposed mice had altered brains, poor memory and were hyperactive (Aldad2011).
University of California School of Public Health research found children exposed to cell phones before and after birth were more likely to have behavior problems than unexposed children (Divan 2008, Divan 2012).
High prenatal cell phone use by mother linked to hyperactivity/inattention problems in child-
83,884 mother-child pairs (Birks 2017)
For information and guidance and how to reduce cell phone and computer EMF microwave damage, please refer to
the biggest toxic burden of all
Your Stress System – A Modern Paradox
The “fight or flight” stress system has helped humans survive on earth for tens of thousands of years. By activating this powerful mindbody system we have run from danger, or, fought to protect ourselves, since the beginning of human life on earth.
But now, this same stress system is killing us through stress related diseases such as heart attack, cancer, high blood pressure and diabetes.
How do you explain this paradox?
For 95% of life on earth our dangers have been real and physical. The stress physiology prepared our ancestors to run from wild animals or attack them in the hunt. It helped them defend against invaders who wanted to steal the village food supply. Our stress system is well designed to protect us against dangers by running or fighting.
In modern times, however, the dangers are no longer physical. We no longer run from our fears because they arise in our minds daily in the form of worry and anxiety. We no longer fight our enemies, because the enemy has moved inside us in the form or anger, frustration, resentment and depression.
“Fight or flight” has become “fear or anger” and this powerful system is responding to imaginary dangers for which there is no appropriate action.
Acute Stress – Adrenaline
Consider for a moment what the acute stress hormone adrenaline does to your body:
- Increase blood pressure and heart rate
- Increase breathing
- Constrict blood flow in your arms and legs
- Slow down your digestion
- Tense muscles throughout your body
- Releases sugar from the liver into the blood stream
- Increases blood clotting factors
- Activates the immune system (only 20 to 30 minutes)
- Inhibits sexual function
- And more…
Does this orchestra of mindbody preparation help you deal with your home, financial or work-related fears and worries?
Probably not, instead, you go home feeling tense, anxious, perhaps with a headache or upset stomach.
Chronic Stress – Cortisol
Cortisol, the hormone of chronic stress, is more likely to be activated by your “everyday dangers”, and it is more involved in making you sick than adrenaline.
Consider the well documented effects of chronic cortisol elevations on your mind and body:
- Increased appetite and food cravings
- Cortisol stimulates fat storage mainly around the abdomen
- Increased body fat – obesity
- Decreased muscle mass
- Insulin resistance and eventually diabetes
- Heart disease
- Increased blood pressure – high blood pressure
- Decreased bone density – osteoporosis
- Reduced synthesis of neurotransmitters
- Increased anxiety
- Increased depression
- Reduced concentration
- Mood swings (anger and irritability)
- Reduced levels of estrogen and testosterone – decreased sex drive
- Impaired immune response – frequent colds, flus, infections and cancer
- Memory and learning impairment
- Physical atrophy of brain cells – Alzheimer’s disease
- Increased symptoms of PMS
- Increased menopausal side effects
Reducing the Toxic Burden of stress is probably the most important step in reversing existing disease and preventing disease in the future.
The following Steps will provide powerful tools and treatments for reducing stress.
Physics of Consciousness
We create our reality based upon or beliefs, both individual and collective beliefs, as well as both conscious and unconscious. 70 to 75 % of brain activity is unconscious.
Making our unconscious mind conscious is perhaps the greatest goal for all of us and is key to psychological health and spiritual growth.