The pineal gland is a pea sized gland deep within the brain that secretes the powerful hormone melatonin, regulates other hormones, and coordinates the process of puberty.  In addition to our growing scientific knowledge about the mysterious pineal, esoteric schools and mystic traditions have long talked about it as an organ of “higher vision” that may be key to our spiritual development. Whether your focus is modern science or spiritual growth, or both, the pineal is under attack by the toxic metal fluoride.

Dr. Jennifer Luke from the University of Surrey in England has done extensive research on this tiny gland and has shown that it is the primary target of fluoride accumulation within the body.  Sitting in the geometric center of the brain, the pineal is technically outside of the brain as it sits outside of the blood-brain barrier.  It receives more blood flow than any other organ, except the kidneys, and is therefore susceptible to disease processes including fluoride accumulation.

According to Dr. Luke, the soft tissue in the pineal gland contains more fluoride that any other tissue in the body, leading to enzyme dysfunction and possibly pineal failure.  In addition, the pineal contains hard tissue, or hydroxyapatite micro- crystals, which are believed to be involved in the translation of electromagnetic energy into light, thus supporting the esoteric literature referring to the gland as a “third eye”.  This process is called piezoluminescence, a promising area of research that may connect modern science with ancient wisdom.

Dr. Luke gave fluoride to animals and discovered that melatonin production decreased and fluoride treated females had an earlier onset of puberty. Luke summarized her human and animal findings as follows:

In conclusion, the human pineal gland contains the highest concentration of fluoride in the body. Fluoride is associated with depressed pineal melatonin synthesis by prepubertal gerbils and an accelerated onset of sexual maturation in the female gerbil. The results strengthen the hypothesis that the pineal has a role in the timing of the onset of puberty. Whether or not fluoride interferes with pineal function in humans requires further investigation.”

Fluoride is a toxic substance added to the drinking water of people around the world to prevent tooth decay.  Being a toxin, it will kill bacteria in the mouth that contribute to tooth decay, but there is no reason for it to be swallowed where it circulates, accumulates and gradually damages organ systems, including the powerful pineal gland.

For a comprehensive summary of the dangers of fluoride, please refer to the following website.  I suggest you take action on the important public health issue for yourself and especially your children.
