Aluminum is one of the most abundant metals in the earth, comprising between 8.4 to 14 percent of the earth’s crust. Unfortunately, it is also abundantly found in the diet of many people. The average person will ingest 30 to 50 milligrams (milligrams, not micrograms) daily.

Aluminum is also found in the air as aluminum dust in some industrial workplaces, acid rain, plants grown in aluminum rich soil, aluminum foil, appliances, and some building material. Aluminum additives are found in cheese products, baking powder, pizza, hair sprays, antiperspirants, and cosmetics including lipstick, toothpaste and a host of over the counter medications. One dose of Gelusil or Mylanta antacids contains 200 milligrams. Aluminum is also found in the air and water. It also can be ingested from aluminum cookware and soda cans.

Most of the research on the deleterious effects of aluminum has focused on the brain. It crosses the blood/brain barrier and tends to accumulate in the brain. Dr. McLaughlin, a professor of physiology and medicine at the Centre for Research in Neurodegenerative Diseases at the University of Toronto, states, “Concentrations of aluminum that are toxic to many biochemical processes are found in at least ten human neurological conditions.”

Medical studies suggest that aluminum may be involved in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, senile dementia, staggering gait, and the inability to pronounce words properly. Other studies have shown that aluminum may produce behavioral problems in school children. Aluminum can impair energy producing enzymes in every cell of the body and have an indirect effect of the immune system.

Iron or calcium deficiency increases aluminum absorption. Conversely, adequate iron, calcium and vitamin C decrease assimilation and retention in the body.

Detoxification treatments have become an important tool in modern health care.


Detoxification treatments have become an important tool in modern health care.

Many medial studies have shown that everyone in modern society has a range of chemical toxins and heavy metals, such as lead, mercury and aluminum in their bodies. These toxins contribute to weight gain, fatigue, depression, memory loss, immune impairment, and increased risk of chronic disease, including cancer and heart disease.

Conventional medical practice ignores the toxic burden and continues to treat the symptoms. There are new generations of lab tests that measure the toxic burden that we all have to some degree.


  • Heavy metal chelation for mercury, lead, cadmium, aluminum and others
  • Far infrared sauna
  • Intravenous glutathione
  • Biochemical programs for chemical toxin elimination
  • And more…