Available at MindBody Medicine Center:  call 480-607-7999 to schedule a session 

There are golden threads of truth that run through the tapestry of the healing arts.  Let’s focus on two fundamental aspects of energetic health and healing – Sonic Whole Body Vibration technology and solfeggio frequencies, commonly called Healing Tones. They fit together, amplifying each other to produce healing frequencies for every cell in your body.

The Science of Sound Vibration

We know that health or disease are both created at the cellular level. The body is ultimately designed to self-heal, if the immune system is strong and the body is detoxified. In addition, we must provide the proper nutrients, sleep, and exercise. Sonic Vibrational Exercise is a new and useful tool that positively influences all of your cells and effectively moves lymphatic fluids (lymphatic drainage). This is because everything literally comes down to Cellular Resonance (harmonic energy flow) within the body. From the building blocks of atoms and electrons, to the cells, glands, organs and bones of the whole being, cellular resonance is the determining factor.

When the correct vibrational frequencies are delivered, energy and bodily fluids are flowing properly, and the cells are functioning correctly, the body can and will spontaneously heal itself. Similarly, a philosophy endorsed by Eastern Medicine is that dis-ease is ultimately just blocked energy within the body.

How Whole Body Vibration Therapy Works

The theory of whole body vibration originated from the conceptual understanding of the body’s movement under Earth’s gravity. In fact, the movement of individual organs within the body are always influenced by this gravitational pull. Since gravity is constantly pulling in a vertical direction, a more natural and effective way for the human body to exercise is revealed.

Whole body vibration exercise is based on a sonic (sound) vibrating platform. The frequency emanates from the pedestal and conducts through the body as users stand on it, stimulating the body with up to three times the strength of gravity. Regular therapy sessions on a Sonic Life whole body vibration trainer will stimulate cells and muscle groups with precise vertical up and down vibration frequencies ranging from 3 to 50 Hertz. The repeated up and down movement resonates the whole body, which stimulates bones, muscles, blood vessels and cells in a manner that promotes their rapid development and circulation.

Precise vertical vibration

When cells are subjected to the proper harmonic/sonic vibrational frequencies, cellular excitation causes entry pathways called calcium channels to open, allowing the cells to bring in more oxygen and nutrients and excrete toxins. Insufficient cellular stimulation and cellular degradation is directly related to accelerated aging and degenerative disease processes. Sonic whole body vibration can assist in correcting this problem by transferring sound waves though pure vertical motion using a vibrational-based sonic plate to excite the 100 trillion cells in the body at various frequencies and amplitudes, thus producing profound systemic effects. Think of this as passive exercise that effects the entire cellular and energetic body matrix, and can help return each of us to better health.

Voice coil activated vibrational training provides a truly effective, 10 minute, full body workout! As a Sonic Life vibrational device cycles through the various frequency’s and amplitudes, the cells in each muscle group and each organ are sequentially stimulated and returned to their optimal vibratory state. Energy flow is effectively restored and chronic conditions due to energy blockages seem to miraculously dissipate.

The frequency emanates from the pedestal and conducts through the body as users stand on it, stimulating the body with up to three times the strength of gravity. Regular therapy sessions on a Sonic Life whole body vibration trainer will stimulate cells and muscle groups with precise vertical up and down vibration frequencies ranging from 3 to 50 Hertz. The repeated up and down movement vibrates the whole body, which stimulates bones, muscles, blood vessels and cells in a manner that promotes their rapid development and circulation.

Sonic Life units perform by way of a patented, sonic (sound) vibrating platform! This avoids mechanical abrasion which can lead to damaging effects in the body.

Stagnant Fluid Movement

Another major cause of overall vitality loss is stagnation of lymphatic and other body fluids.  Unlike changing the oil in our cars, we cannot remove dirty, stagnant fluids in our body and replace them.  Rather than replacing our fluids, we must stimulate circulation to facilitate detoxification and enhance the flow of energy throughout our bodies.  As blood and lymph circulate through our bodies, they remove toxins and other waste products.   Exercise and good circulation help increase the flow of our vital fluids and assist in the removal of these harmful elements.

It is said that the lymphatic system is the most neglected system of the body.  Even orthodox medicine is looking to this system as being the leading cause of many disorders in the body.  Lymphatic message has become a popular modality for addressing the congestion and release of toxins.  Sonix WBV is the most effective tool I have ever seen for the movement and release of congested, stagnant lymphatic fluids.

An Overview of the Circulation of Fluids

Consider the circulatory system. The heart is the pump, which pushes the blood through our arteries, supplying our cells with oxygen and nutrients.  Once the blood has delivered the oxygen and nutrients throughout the body, it then removes the undesirable carbon dioxide and waste products via the lungs.  Moving that deoxygenated venous blood back to the heart is both critical and challenging, because it partially relies on muscle action and one-way valves to get the blood back.  This is the basis for the recommendations of vascular/cardio exercise routines promoted by the MDs.

An even greater challenge is to circulate the lymphatic fluids.  Lymphatic vessels parallel veins and arteries throughout your body and are also essential for removing toxins from your blood stream.  But unlike the circulatory system, the lymphatic system does not have a pump and relies entirely on one-way valves and muscle contractions to move fluid.  This is where Sonic WBV PE assists in moving these stagnant fluids out of the body.   Like active exercise, Sonic PE WBV will stimulate the cells; energize muscles, and effectively move blood and lymphatic fluid, so your body can function more efficiently.  If any of these fluids stagnate, or don’t flow freely, the toxins and wastes will accumulate in our bodies. This may lead to fatigue, aches and pain, lose of vital energy, etc.

By stimulating the cells and systems that remove toxins from your body, exercising muscles, stimulating organ tissue, releasing stubborn fat, increasing cellular vitality, strengthening bones, and raising energy levels, SONIX Fitness will put you on the path to creating a Fit, healthier, energized, better feeling, YOU!