Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) is the leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for  over 7 million deaths annually  — more than any other disease category.

For some people, the first sign of CAD is a heart attack.  The heart is so powerful that symptoms, such as chest pain, angina, heart attack, or sudden death usually do not occur until the blockage reaches  70 to 80%. The Multifunction Cardiogram (MCG) will show any degree of coronary blockage as well as other conditions that may be developing.

Until now, the only way to assess heart function was a Treadmill Stress Test, which is usually followed with another Treadmill Test, this time with an Echocardiogram, often with an injection of medication.  A Stress Echo usually costs between $1000 and $2000.  The gold standard for coronary artery evaluation is the Coronary Angiogram, which requires hospitalization and a catheter inserted in an artery and guided to the heart where it can release dye which is seen in the heart arteries. ($7,000- 10,000)

The MCG  is non-invasive – no catheters, dyes or radiation.  The MCG is a revolution in medicine as it offers an easy and inexpensive method to detect coronary artery disease and other forms of heart dysfunction.

The MCG is like having a regular ECG as it requires some electrodes placed on the chest and extremities.  However, the MCG uses advanced signal processing analysis which runs time-domain and frequency domain data into a database for comparison.  The report reveals local or widespread coronary artery blockage and ischemia in mild, moderate or severe gradations.

When compared to traditional methods MCG has consistently been shown to be more accurate and able to detect ischemia at earlier stages, enabling doctors to help their patients earlier in the disease process and thereby save lives.

The results from MCG have been validated in double-blind clinical studies where the system has demonstrated accuracy comparable to coronary angiography (90% overall sensitivity, 85% specificity).

This level of accuracy comes from the application of advanced techniques in signal processing and systems analysis combined with a large scale clinical database which allows MCG to provide quantitative, evidence-based results to assist physicians in reaching a diagnosis.

Your heart was not designed for a high fat diet, sedentary lifestyle and the constant stress of modern life.  The risk factors for heart disease progress slowly and silently, day after day.  Now you can easily assess the health of your heart and take lifestyle and mind style steps in prevent and reverse coronary artery disease, using the MCG to monitor your progress.

How MCG compares with other cardiac diagnostic methods:

When compared to other diagnostic modalities MCG is extremely accurate and reliable, surpassing many established clinical techniques in both sensitivity and specificity. In addition, MCG is capable of accurately detecting coronary artery disease at earlier stages (<70% lumen encroachment), exceeding the capabilities of many other techniques and allowing earlier intervention at stages where coronary artery disease may be controlled by lifestyle changes or medication.

Click here for a comparison chart.